I thought
you were the gift of God for me,
I had never
met such a beautiful soul like you.
Your sweet and
melodious voices still buzz in my ear,
beautiful smile is still in my mind,
Your words
still encourages me to do better things.
I thought
our bonding would last forever,
I wished we
would grow old together,
I thought we
both would be lucky this time.
I thought
you were the girl I always dreamt of,
A small
conversation with you made my day,
Being with
you I felt myself completed.
I believed I
could achieve anything with you,
I felt we
knew eachother for a long
period of
time, you too felt this.
But don’t
know what happened all of a sudden
And our
mesmerizing conversation has stopped.
I am still
confused and vacillating,
But I still
feel our bonding in my heart.